Messages from Nature
Follow your heart, let it lead
© Gail M Clement, Baboon Sentinel, 2009 Hlunluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve, South Africa
What Are Messages from Nature?
Messages from Nature are intuitive messages received directly from Nature Herself and from Nature’s Dominion, including animals, plants and elementals. Some of the Messages are personal, and others are to be distributed widely. The following are Messages to share. May their intentions of love and understanding reach you fully in kindness.
NATURE IS THE PATH FORWARD, Message from Mauna Kea, April 2024
© Jason Donaldson, Mauna Kea Observatories amidst Light Beings, 2024 Big Island Hawaii
The sacred volcano, Mauna Kea, came to me before my recent journey to Hawaii, inviting me to connect with her essence. Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world as measured from Her base below the Pacific Ocean to Her summit at 13,803 feet. She is located on the Island of Hawaii, the Big Island. Mauna Kea is considered a dormant volcano with the probability of additional eruptions between intervals of thousands of years. Her last known eruption was approximately 4,500 years ago
The people of Hawaii revere Mauna Kea as the connection of the land to the heavens. She is the most sacred of the sacred. According to the University of Hawaii, Center for Maunakea Stewardship ( “Though simply translated as “White Mountain” since at least 1823, the name Maunakea is also known in native traditions and prayers as Mauna a Wākea (Kea), “The Mountain of Wākea”. It is the first-born mountain son of Wākea and Papa, who were also progenitors of the Hawaiian race. Maunakea is symbolic of the piko (umbilical cord) of the island-child, Hawai’i, and that which connects the land to the heavens.” (Kepa Maly and Onaona Maly. 2005. Mauna Kea-Ka Piko Kaulana o Ka ‘Ᾱina, Mauna Kea – The Famous Summit of the Land).
I journeyed to Mauna Kea’s summit together with a dear friend, arriving in the midst of a gaggle of tourists. The many observatories littering Her summit felt offensive. But then, She spoke to me; telling me that the observatories were merely “warts” on Her surface with minimal impact to Her presence and energy. She asked me to feel Her fully: Her depth, Her extent, and Her mass. When I felt into Her, I felt Her enormous energy in comparison to the miniscule, man-made observatories. She further explained that while She was considered dormant, Her intention is to erupt again at some point into the future and all that had been built would be returned to Her Earth body.
Mauna Kea emphasized that feeling Her loving presence and being in union was the purpose of my visit. She did not want me to lower my vibration by focusing on human dishonor. While being fully aware of the ignorance and dishonor, it was essential not to be overwhelmed by that lower energy. She explained that the energy we carry is critical to uplifting the energy on the Earth. To be spiritually awake and at the same time of service, requires the ability to hold the highest frequencies of love and joy while being fully aware of the current energetic reality. And when guided, to act to uplift the current energetic reality to the highest good for all.
The Pohakuloa Training Area, the U.S. Army’s live munition training ground for the world’s wars, has become a focus. The Pohakuloa Training Area is located on the southern slope of Mauna Kea into the northern slope of Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano in the world. Pohakuloa is used for USA and international war training using live munitions, with 91% of the munitions firing points on State land. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are asking us to support Their and Hawaii’s majesty by holding the vision of all of these lands in complete energetic and environmental harmony returning to Hawaii’s People.
Mauna Kea is asking to be SEEN and Her messages to be HEARD. Look to Nature for the way forward. Open your heart to Her messages and follow Her guidance.
© Jason Donaldson, Summit of Mauna Kea - Connecting Heaven with Earth, 2024 Big Island Hawaii
FREEDOM, December 17, 2023, Message from Wild Horses
Do not weep for us. Do not be in sorrow. We have lived our lives in freedom. Free to be with our own kind. Free to run and move as we wish. Free to eat the natural foods of the Earth. In contrast, those beautiful beings, the domesticated horses are not free to be wild. They are constantly subject to the demands of humans, some that are caring, and some who are cruel. And almost all who believe they have the right to complete domination of “their” horses. Most of these horses are unable to experience even a tiny portion of their lives in complete freedom.
We, in contrast, are born to freedom in beautiful places that support our wellbeing. We live with our herds in joy and abundance. Yes, many of us are now being taken cruelly to protect the “environment”. Know that none of us would trade our freedom for a life of domestication in safety. We have lived our true purpose, and even if our life is ended, we are fulfilled.
We are sacred beings. We are called to the Earth at this time to infuse wild lands with our energies of grace, beauty, freedom and power. Rejoice in our presence. Honor us. Feel the thrill we experience as we run together across the majestic wildness. And know that Nature, when left to thrive, never makes mistakes. We are not a mistake. We are welcomed by Nature and asked to be present on Earth at the dawn of the Golden Age of New Earth.
GLOBAL ASCENSION, Message from the Whales, November 4, 2023
© Anne Gordon, Whale Wisdom Retreats, Humpback Whale, 2023 South Pacific off Coast of Mo’orea
You are living in remarkable times. The great awakening of personal and collective consciousness continues to spread quickly. The fulcrum of probability has passed the midway point and the awakening is unstoppable. Even as the external appears to be descending into greater chaos, be assured of the expansion of greater love and light throughout the Earth. This is the time for truth to be revealed and miracles to manifest.
This great awakening is the Global Ascension. Many have the idea that ascension on Earth is a far-off idea, nearly impossible to achieve, and requires numerous lifetimes. That is not an accurate understanding of the ascension. Individual ascension is the soul’s collection and integration of all that was and is yet to be into this one expression of self, including your physical manifestation at this time on Earth. As your soul integrates, it automatically triggers the arousal of dormant DNA that is the ancestral heritage of all human beings. You are becoming the Star Beings of your cosmic origination. The Global Ascension is the cumulative ascension of individuals on Earth.
Each of you is experiencing this awakening in your own way. Some are feeling and processing the last vestiges of emotional trauma. These traumas have held you hostage to the wheel of karma. Freedom is on the horizon and guaranteed for all who open their hearts to release, forgive and love. You have nothing to prove and no one to impress. You are complete exactly as you are now. Be easy with yourself. Forgive yourself. Let go and allow.
Ego is necessary but should no longer be allowed to control one’s actions and intentions. Now is the time to follow the direction of your soul, to live your life’s true purpose fully. You will know your ego is in alignment with your soul when life becomes a flow. Not that life will become effortless, but that circumstances will move forward with greater ease. Synchronicities will show up more frequently and opportunities will arise. You will be able to see previous challenges in a new light, and avoid those automatic negative ego responses. Laughter will be more frequent, especially laughter at oneself when realizing your past patterns of automated egoic reactions.
As you ascend, Mother Earth is also ascending. We are not separate from her. Remember that our beloved Mother Earth is in perfect harmony when honored and respected. In choosing how to live your life, consider choices that support a return to environmental balance. It is our responsibility to act in harmony with Mother Earth, each other, and ourselves.
We, the Whales, have held this seed of ascension for many, many years in anticipation of this great awakening. We are always with you and available to support you. You are never alone. You are always loved, exactly as you are.
RESPONSIBILITY IN SACRED CEREMONY, Message from Nature Herself, July 31, 2022
© Gail M Clement, Giant Sequoia, 2022 Sequoia National Park, USA
Dear Ones,
This message is given specifically to those who gather together for the purposes of spiritual and personal growth. At this time of great transition in your home on planet Earth, it is imperative that you wake up fully to your responsibilities to Nature. You must become conscious of your actions and how they impact the delicate environmental balance and circle of life.
As you gather together, observe your surroundings, see with your eyes and hearts. Before you begin, ask to be allowed to hold sacred ceremony in harmony with Nature at your location. Listen carefully with your heart for the response. Follow the directions given, even if it is to not proceed at that specific location. Think of Nature as the most sacred temple of life force. Together, all who participate, must understand the absolute responsibility to be in harmony with Nature and what that specifically means at that physical location. Release the arrogance of the idea that humanity has a right to dominance over the Natural World. Release the idea that anyone, especially a spiritual leader, has a right to control or harness Nature for their own purposes. All must be in harmony to receive spiritual value.
During the conduct of ceremony be fully conscious of your actions and how to protect the natural environment as you proceed. Present offerings such as tobacco, corn pollen or holy water to Nature and all of Her beings in attendance. Do not gather the energy or physicality of any of Nature’s Beings, such as elementals, faeries, animals, feathers, insects, plants, flowers, trees, seeds, rocks, light, or water, without asking in humility and receiving approval. If you receive a gift, give an offering in return. Welcome visitors from the Natural World as sacred participants. Be open to receive their blessings in deep gratitude. Rejoice with the Nature Spirits who gather with you in your pure intentions for harmony.
End your ceremony with a prayer of gratitude for Nature. Bless your location while asking that it receives improved environmental balance and support for all life. If you know of any imbalance imposed on that location, ask specifically that the imbalance be relieved in perfect harmony. Leave the location in better condition than when you arrived. We are all one. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
And so it is.
© Gail M Clement, Warthog Family, 2009 Hlunluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve, South Afriica
© Gail M Clement, Giraffe, 2009 Hlunluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve, South Africa
© Gail M Clement, Black and White Worm Lizard, 2014 Amazon Basin, Ecuador